Thursday, May 21, 2009

Party at my Crib

Orion has never had really consistent sleeping arrangments. The original plan when he was born was to have him sleep in the bassinet part of the Pack & Play in our room for a few weeks, then transition to his own crib in his own room. When we realized that bed time turned him into a head-spinning, projectile-vomitting, demon child we relaxed our goals a little bit. Eventually, we settled on co-sleeping as the best option for us. Mostly because I fell asleep feeding him one night and woke up four hours later which, at the time, was miraculous.

As time went on, we gradually transitioned away from co-sleeping using various combinations of bassinets, cribs, and co-sleeping time until he was finally spending all night in his crib in the weeks before we left Oklahoma. Well, except for the two to three times he was still getting up and coming into our bed for a bottle only to be carried back to his room when he was done.

When we hit the road to drive home, Orion was approaching his first birthday and was nowhere near sleeping through the night. When we got to the hotel the first night we set up his Pack & Play and put him down for bed, crossing our fingers that he wouldn't be confused by sleeping in the place he'd been playing and snacking at the old house. When I woke up, eight hours later, to the realization that Orion was STILL asleep I was amazed. Now, 45 days later, Orion is still sleeping through most nights and he's still sleeping in his Pack & Play.

I feel terrible about it. He's in there right now, sound asleep with his head and body backed against the narrow end and his feet straight out in front of him. There is room to spread out, if he lays just so, but many times he gets himself into the funny positions where it just doesn't seem like it can be comfortable. Dannon thinks he must be cozy. I think it looks restrictive. But I'll be damned if he isn't getting the best sleep of his life. Like, 12 hours a night with 0-1 wakings.

I'm just afraid to kill the mojo. We have plenty of space and plenty of opportunities to put the crib together, but there it sits. Leaning up against the wall in his new bedroom. I'm trying to convince Dannon to build the crib this weekend to give Orion a little bit more space, but I hope I'm not screwing up a good thing.

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