Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When it matters most, trust Duracell

We were at the playplace today and while the kids were playing (less than 10 spread among 4 parties) one of the dads chatted me up trying to figure out where he recognized me from (Answer? Nowhere). His wife walked over and we were making typical parent playground smalltalk for a couple of minutes. When I did my routine child inventory, Orion was four feet behind me HUGGING A MAN. Luckily, this particular man was a good guy. He was there with his wife and kids, and was taking a break from body-slamming his 12 year old son in the ball pit. He was super friendly and kept rolling the ball back and forth with Orion for a few minutes, until I pulled the plug and left.

This time, we were lucky. Not only was this man a good guy, but we were in a video monitored facility where they check to make sure that the kid you're leaving with is the one you came in with. But the truth is, this isn't the first time I've had an "Oh, shit!" moment when it comes to Orion's safety.

We've recently gotten Season Passes for Disney, which means we spend a significant amount of time standing in line. Every single freaking time that he makes eye contact with someone in line, he's reaching his arms out to try to get them to hold him. I'm scared to death that one of these days someone is going to reach out to take him and I'm going to have to cut a bitch. Honestly though, why does he do that? Why does he approach every single stranger looking for love? I might as well put a T-shirt on him that says "I HEART WINDOWLESS WHITE VANS".

I guess vigilance is key, but jeesh.

Here's a lighter, but still a bit on topic, story from earlier today so that I'm not closing out with "OMG WTF MY BABY IS GOING TO BE ABDUCTED!!!" We used to frequent a fast food place before Orion was born and there was this girl working there that was kind of odd but very friendly. We only went there once with Orion before we left town because the girl didn't quite get the whole personal space thing. While we were in Oklahoma, our old haunt closed down. We had even wondered where the girl ended up. Today we went to another fast food place and there she was. We had a conversation similar to what we were used to, but then the oddest thing happened. Orion did the typical toddler thing where he takes a piece of food out of his mouth and holds it out in offer to the nearest adult. Of curse the standard response is, "Oh, no thank you! That's for you!" Not from this girl. This girl leaned down, opened her mouth, and fucking ATE the chunk of soggy chicken nugget right from his greasy paw.

It's good to be home. The End.

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